eBizArtisan is a company of dedicated, web-savy technologists.   We understand and cater to the needs of startups and local businesses.   If you have an idea, product or service to sell on the Internet, you have come to the right place.

"Its your dream, our mission."

We have extensive experience building websites from the grounds up.  Our speciality is building custom business websites and e-Marketing solutions.   We have over 40 years of combined experience in software development, managing and implementing all types and sizes of projects.   Through it all, we learned that common to every successful engagement is good communications, planning, hard work and a shared vision.   We carry forth this understanding every day to every project.  

When you enlist our services, you are assure a solution that has been properly analyzed and it will fits your business's needs.  

eBizArtisan believes in letting you own your business.   We provide the technical expertise, know-how and project management skills.   You provide the vision for your business.   Our presence is felt only when you need us.

eBizArtisan understands and honors the entreprenual spirit of small business owners like yourself.

We are a professional services company with great people and technical know-how:

  • Project analysis, planning & management - A detailed analysis is created based upon your specific needs.   The document identifies the business and techical requirements, discuss possible options, and offer a recommendation that best fit your needs.  Upon agreement, a project plan is produced with milestones, costs and timelines for your approval.  In addition, we take a proactive approach in managing the project to your expectations.
  • Rapid site mock-ups - create non-functional, prototypes to fine-tune design and functions.  With any new creation, multiple review-and-revise sessions are needed to come up with a workable, final design.  Protyping saves time and money.
  • Data modeling and design - document all necessary data fields and their relationships.  The data model is then converted to a phyiscal database.  A properly designed database ensures data integrity, simplifies programming and eases future maintenance of the system.
  • Vendor/Software evaluation - in-depth research of software and vendors for your business.   Putting together the right combination of software, web technologies, vendors and hosting services is paramount for any online business.
  • Custom design and development - provide branding service, logo and site design, and custom programming (website, database, systems integration) to complete the website.

Our breath of knowledge and expertise spans multiple disciplines:

  • Project Management - years of real-life, work experience in managing and implmenting projects, systems design and analysis, wire diagrams, risk assessement and scheduling with MS Projects.
  • Databases - Excellent database design/development skills on MS SQL Server or MySQL - performance tuning  stored procedures, atomic transactions, scheduled jobs, etc.
  • Website Development

    • Technical - able to develop custom websites from scratch, SharePoint or WordPress.
    • Design - cross-browser, mobile responsive development. Clean, simple user interface designs.
    • e-Marketing - Newsletters, marketing campaigns and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
    • Testing - application testing (unit, system and regression) and load and stress testing.
    • Industry Development - Current on Open Source development and new web technologies and trends.

1047 W. Roses Road
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Phone:  (626) 354-0860

Co-Founders:  Steve Yan & Robert Sandoval